Public Health Nurse
Public Health Nurses visit Val Marie once a month to provide immunizations, pre and post natal follow up, and other health services.
To book Public Health Nursing appointments call 306-778-5280, or toll free 1-866-786-2510. Services are delivered within the town complex at 101 – 1st Avenue East.
Home Care Services available in Ponteix/Vanguard/Mankota/Val Marie
Call 306-625-5103 (office) or 306-625-7993 (cell) for more information. Sarah Glas RN is Home Care Case Manager for Ponteix, Vanguard, Mankota and Val Marie.
Services Available:
- Bath or Shower assist
- Facility bath in Ponteix or Mankota
- Basic Housekeeping
- Medication reminders
- Adult Day Program in Ponteix or Mankota
- Meals on Wheels in all communities
- Safety checks
- Wellness clinics
- Footcare
- Respite care
- Therapy referrals
Nursing Services:
- Palliative care
- Medication Management
- Wound care
- IV therapy
- Oxygen Therapy
- Catheter and ostomy care
- PICC and Port care
- Injections
- Vital signs monitoring
Val Marie District Ambulance
Val Marie EMS is available to respond to 911 emergencies 24/7, and emergencies are the first priority. In rural communities such as Val Marie, where the call volume is low, Val Marie EMS is available to serve members of the community and surround areas through the Community Paramedicine Service Program.
Community Paramedicine
101 – 1st Avenue East, Val Marie, SK S0N 2T0
Tel: 306-298-1010
Anyone in the community or surrounding area can access the community Paramedicine Program. The program is designed to enhance the existing services within your own community and bridge gaps in the health care system.
Mondays 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1 to 3 p.m.
Services offered:
- Falls prevention and home safety checks
- Referrals to other agencies (Home care, dieticians, physical therapy)
- Education on medication, new/existing diagnosis and disease process
- Follow up care after hospital visits
- Home physiotherapy guidance with prescribed plans
- Patient navigator/advocate
- Patient vital monitoring (blood pressure, blood glucose, pulse oximetry, pulse, respirations, temperature)